Advantages and main properties of glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture

Advantages and main properties of glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture

FRP craft: finished before the production, will first have to make products with specific clay materials to build the corresponding to make products, made in clay sculpture draft is completed, gypsum, mould making, then put the glass fiber reinforced plastic (i.e., the combination of resin and glass fiber cloth) besmear to brush the outer mold inside. Such as after its are fully open the outer mold, after closing procedures, finished product for FRP sculpture. FRP sculpture is a sculpture of a finished product type. With light, corrosion resistance, relatively low cost. Glass fiber reinforced plastic is also called the FRP, says fibre reinforced plastics, domestic call FRP on the habit. It was based on the synthetic resin as matrix materials, glass fiber and its products as reinforced material of composite materials.


The advantages of  FRP

Light weight, high strength

Relative density between 1.5 ~ 2.0, only 1/4 ~ 1/5 of the carbon steel, but close to the tensile strength, even more than carbon steel, and the intensity of than can be compared with the advanced alloy steel. Therefore, in the aircraft, rocket, the spacecraft, high pressure vessel, and in other applications, the need to reduce the weight of products have excellent results. Some of the tensile, bending and compression strength of epoxy FRP can reach more than 400 mpa. Part of the material of the density, strength and strength are shown in table 1-1.

Good corrosion resistance

FRP is good corrosion material, the atmosphere, water, and general concentration of acid, alkali, salt, and a variety of oils and solvents have a better ability to resist. Has been applied to all aspects of chemical corrosion, is replacing the carbon steel, stainless steel, wood, non-ferrous metal and so on.

Good electrical

Is a good insulating material, used to make the insulator. Under the high frequency can still protect good dielectric properties. Microwave permeability is good, has been widely used in radome.


Thermal performance is good

FRP low thermal conductivity, at room temperature is 1.25 ~ 1.67 kJ/(m. h. K), only 1/100 ~ 1/1000, metal is a good thermal insulation material. Under the condition of the instantaneous ultra high temperature, is the ideal thermal protection and ablation resistant material, can protect the spacecraft at above 2000 ℃ under high-speed air flow.

Can design good

(1) can be flexibly designed, according to their needs, all kinds of product structure, to meet the use requirement, can make the product has good integrity.

(2) can fully material selection to meet product performance, such as: you can design a decay resistance, resistance to instantaneous high temperature, products of a certain direction has the special high strength, good dielectric properties, and so on.

Good manufacturability

(1) according to the shape of the products, technical requirements, use and quantity to the flexibility to choose the molding process.

(2) the process is simple, can be a molding, economic effect is outstanding, especially for complex shape, not easy to shape the number of product less, more prominent its technological superiority.

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