It is very important to the safety of the children's amusement equipment installation
Date: 2019-02-28
Click: 2769
Glass fiber reinforced plastic amusement facilities It is very important to the safety of the children's amusement equipment installation, every year there are many children because of improper use of damage or assembly of amusement equipment and injury. Must pay attention to the following points, community, jurisdictions must be some routine check every day.


1, pay attention to the swings, slides, rotate the wheel and the seesaw screws, bolts and iron pliers clip is fastened.

2, check for rust or the edge of the sharp prominent.

3, bunkers, there should be no glass pieces, gyro, cigarette butts, rubble, etc.

4, banning children play equipment is not suitable for his age.

5, the area is covered by grass flat or toys on sand or rubber pad to prevent falls

6, pay attention to the rope swing, can be worn

7, if there are any crook will hook on baby's clothing or skin

8, check the game zone of sprinkler.

9, in hot weather, check swings, slides and other metal surface of such equipment, sometimes they will tan is very hot, not suitable for the baby to play.

10, when your children trapped in a difficult situation, you must be sure to deliver him. One thousand dangerous but the injury or be dismayed when can you like apes and freely in and out of the jungle like gymnastics games? Can you climb into the bunker located vaulted maze? Can you from below the slide on the slide?


Category: Industry knowledge
Author: 佚名
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